Wednesday, May 7, 2008

BJU Graduation!!

So hard to believe that Leigh Anne is now a BJU grad! Time has flown by all too quickly. We arrived in SC around 9 am Thursday morning, spent time with Leigh Anne Thursday afternoon and met Nolan for the first time. Friday was spent helping my MIL and SIL prepare for LA's grad party. Saturday we were up early and on the BJU campus around 7:45 am to park and get a good seat for the graduation ceremony. Daniel and Sarah stayed with Roy's sister as the ceremony was over 2 hours long. I kind of wish we had brought them along so that they would have been in the pictures we took after graduation. We went back to Roy's parent's home in Seneca, SC for LA's party. My parents along with Roy's brother Ron & his family were there as well as the Sheldon family...Jeff graduated too. There were 27 people present to enjoy some yummy grilled chicken, potato salad, broccoli salad, frog's eye salad, etc. We had a good time fellowshipping and eating! Leigh Anne is a third generation BJU grad on Roy's side of the family and a second generation grad on my side. She is home with us for a month or so before returning to SC. She's not sure what she will be doing, but is ready to "fly on her own." Seems like I am in a dream! I enjoy having her home, but know that she needs to follow the Lord's direction in her life wherever He may lead her.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

God is SO Good

The Lord has been showing me how blessed I am. He has given me six wonderful kids, a hardworking loving husband, a loving church family, and some very special friends. Since my last entry, I have completed the first phase of The Lord's Table Bible study at Setting Captives Free, and am within five days of completing Phase 2. The Lord has used this Bible study to draw me closer to Himself and serve Him by ministering to the hurting hearts of others. I am so blessed! Oh, and He has allowed me to lose weight, 36 pounds and counting.

My church just finished Evangelistic meetings with the Ron Comfort Evangelistic Team, and what a blessing those meetings were. A friend of mine and her boyfriend came the last two nights. Neither are saved, but they want to come back to church again! I feel the Lord is moving in their hearts and continue to pray for their salvation.

As you can see, I figured out how to put pictures on the site. Lookout!! Who knows, I may end up posting more often to share how the Lord continues to work in our lives. David (20 yo) and Stephen (17 yo) go to take their Driver's License test on Friday morning. We were out practicing parallel parking tonight...what fun! Praying that they both pass as I am becoming weary of transporting them everywhere!

Well, I'm off to start another knitting project...I'm teaching a knitting class to the 3rd-7th grade girls in our homeschool co-op. Having a lot of fun teaching is really neat to see how they are progressing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Not as addicting as I thought...

I really thought that I would be on here typing something new daily, but I've been busy and haven't had much to say. Later in the day of my last post, I was sick with a GI bug and spent the next 24 hours in bed. I had asked the Lord to let me stay home and He answered my prayers, just not in the way I had wanted! It took me almost a week to recover, I felt like I had undergone another C/Section as my stomach was so sore, but I'm back in the groove again and trying to enjoy the here and now, not what might happen in the future.

I have really been blessed by The Lord's Table study at The Lord is growing me and showing me that food gets in the way of my fellowship with Him. It is my goal to put Him first and food feast off of Him and His Word daily.

I have also been blessed by keeping up with Nate, Tricia and baby Gwyneth. God is so good and is working miracles in this family's lives. I've listed Nate's blog here on my page. My friend Wendy, whose blog is also listed here, is such an encouragement to me. She continues to rely on the Lord to get her through each day in the absence of her dear husband who went home to be with the Lord almost three years ago. Both Nate and Wendy are honest with what they are feeling and where the Lord is leading them. Their lives are open books for the world to see and a testimony to our awesome, loving God.

I am going to post some pictures of my children and of Sarah...tonight, Lord willing. Don't know when I'll be back again, but as the Lord allows I'll keep on blogging along!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Crazy Week!!!!

Sarah turned two back on Tuesday, February 5th. We have been so busy that we did not have a true Birthday party for her, yet! She has gotten several "boo-boos" since she turned two! Tuesday night, near the end of Stephen's basketball game, she fell off of the bottom bleacher and sustained two little cuts on her head, one above her right ear, which began to swell and required ice, the other a couple inches away from that one on the back of her head. She is such a little trooper! Friday morning she saw the doctor for her two year check-up, she weighs a whopping 20 pounds 4 ounces...we were sure she would weigh in at around or over 21 pounds. On the way out to our homeschool co-op yesterday morning, she tripped and fell on the sidewalk. She went all the way down and scraped her little face on the cement! Her poor head! She now has scrapes on her forehead, nose, upper lip and knuckles on her right hand. Then this morning, she has already fallen a couple of times, but with no lasting injuries! My poor baby girl! I will post a few pictures, when I find my camera!

What a hectic week! I have been either on the phone, the computer, or running around all week! We had a teacher's luncheon at WCCS on Thursday, which I was responsible for planning, and the LIGHT co-op started on Friday afternoon, which I head up. In addition, I worked 3p-7p on Thurs. evening and 7p-11p last night, I came down with a cold...fever, headache, sinus discomfort! But God is good and has kept me going. I was really blessed this morning when I did my Lord's Table Bible study. I thought I was a day behind as I did not get to complete it last night...I started working on it around midnight, and my dh encouraged me to go to bed, so I did. Well, the Lord wanted me to do it today so that He could humble me and speak to me when I was much more receptive to Him. Ouch! I sure do need to rest in and on Him rather than myself. I can do nothing on my own, although I sure do try! I cannot even cause my own heart to keep on beating, why do I think that I can control everything else??

I am looking forward to a more relaxing weekend to get caught up on things that have been neglected here at home...bills, housework, loving my family, to name a few! Thank You, Lord for bringing us safely through another week and giving Sarah another year of health and growth.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just in case you have an Inquiring Mind!

My nickname, Baffledfish, came from a friend and co-worker several years ago. My initials are BAF and she would affectionately call me "Baffled" as it did/does not take much to confuse me! When I started my first email account, I named myself the Baffledfish...Fisher is my last name. There you have it, Baffledfish!

Now for a little detail on the blogs and website I have listed.

Tales of Six Kids is the blog of a special friend who is depending on the Lord to lead her through life after the loss of her dear husband 2 1/2 years ago. She has been such a blessing and encouragement to me!

Confessions of a CF Husband is the blog of a young man who is watching the Lord work miracles through the life of his dear wife who has CF, and his precious baby girl who was born at 24+ weeks.

Setting Captives Free is an awesome website that offers Bible studies to help with a variety of issues/sins that we face in life. I am halfway through the Lord's Table study which deals with overeating. The Lord is blessing me greatly through this study and showing me what the sin of gluttony is and how to turn my sin over to Him. Only He can sustain me and guide me on the path where He has placed me. He is drawing me closer to Himself, showing me what is really important in life, and giving me a heart for the lost.

Guess I should wrap this up...I could spend all day in front of my computer!! There are some things that need to be done around here...homeschool, laundry, etc., etc.

Just Beginning

I am new at blogging, but not new to enjoying the blogs of others. I have learned much by reading the blogs of those who I know and those who I have never met. God has broadened my horizons, increased my prayer life, and given me much for which to be thankful. I hope to be an encouragement to others and to share the burdens of others by writing here. I wish I had known about blogs two years ago when my youngest daughter was born as it would have been much easier to communicate with family and friends during that trying time in our lives.
So, here I start, not quite sure what to write, yet wanting to reach out to others and share God's love for them through what He is doing in my life and my family.